Eye floaters are small dots, lines or shapes that some people see
floating around, especially in bright light conditions (such as when
looking at the sky). It is estimated that around half of the world’s
adult population will experience eye floaters at some point in their
lives. Eye floaters are more prevalent among middle aged and older
adults, because with time the gel in the eye cavity tends to shrink and
lose its fluidity. However, they can be present since birth, especially
if the birth was complicated.
Eye floaters tend to be semi-transparent or white-grey in color, and
they often appear to move when you move your eyes. They tend to move in
the direction where you look (if you look right, they will move right),
before reorienting themselves around the center of vision. They vary
widely in shape and number; indeed they are often described to be as
diverse as fingerprints. Some people will only see a single floater,
while others will see hundreds. Obviously, the more the number of
floaters and the larger they are, the more annoying and distracting they
can be. Eye floaters can be particularly problematic for people with
outdoor occupations, such as drivers and policemen/women.
What the floaters actually are is an aggregation of proteins, and
sometimes, minuscule drops of blood. Although most eye floaters are
benign, they can be pathological and indicative of a more serious
underlying condition (such as retinal detachment). It is therefore
essential that you see a doctor when you develop eye floaters. You
should consult with a doctor again if your eye floaters suddenly change
in number or intensity.
Sometimes, a person with eye floaters will also experience flashes of
bright light, particularly when changing from well-lit to dark areas.
These flashes are sometimes described to be multicolored and to be seen
spreading in the field of vision. The phenomenon of flashes can indicate
retinal tear or detachment and should not be taken lightly.
Unfortunately, the only medical solution for eye floaters is surgery,
of which there are two types: laser and vitrectomy. Laser surgery
breaks up the eye floaters using laser, however, it is controversial as
it is risky and not always effective. On the other hand, vitrectomy
involves the removal of the liquid in the eye (the vitreous humor) along
with the debris, and replacing it with an artificial solution. Of
course, this too is not without risks and it can result in retinal
detachment, cataracts or infection.
If you’d rather cure your eye floaters naturally and without resorting to any risky procedures, check out Daniel Brown’s Eye Floaters No More, the only holistic and safe system proven to be effective for eye floaters removal.
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